Friday, February 18, 2011

Beauty Tips & Clever Uses for Household Items

I read magazines.  Lots and lots of magazines.  My favorites are Woman's Day, All You, Good Housekeeping and Woman's World.  These magazines are filled with great beauty tips for "normal" people (not celebs), and also some clever tips on how to use every day household items for things you might not think about using them for.  Here are a few tips that I have found helpful.  There is also a great homemade body scrub that uses coffee.  I hope you find these tips as helpful as I have!

If you're a busy mom like me, or just a busy person in general, you probably don't have much time for self-pampering.  I for one, am usually worn out and tired by the time 3 p.m. hits, and I know that by that time, my skin is starting to show the signs of lack of sleep.  We all know that coffee can give us a much needed caffeine boost, but did you know that it can also serve as a great booster to your skin?  The ground beans lift away the dull/dead skin cells, thus giving you a brighter appearance.  The caffeine in the coffee also helps reduce swelling.  By massaging in the scrub, it flushes out the excess fluids that can make your arms, hands, legs and feet look puffy.  Here is a "make it yourself" scrub recipe that uses just 3 ingredients:

Java Scrub
Blend 1 Cup Ground Coffee, 1 Cup Sugar and 1/2 Cup Olive Oil together.  Pour into an airtight jar.  When you're ready to use it, massage into skin as you would any other body scrub.  Rinse and pat dry.  Store in a cool, dry place for up to 2 months.

Ever get a knick on your legs or underarm while shaving?  The bleeding always seems to take FOREVER to stop!  For an instant fix, dab a little lip balm or salve on the knick-it creates a seal to help stop the blood from flowing out, and also promotes healing.
Want a quick way to clean your toilets without having to use harsh, chemical-based cleaners?  Pop 2 Alka-Seltzer tablets into your toilet bowl and let it fizz for about 10 minutes.  After 10 minutes, simply wipe the scum away and flush.  Your toilet will be nice and clean!

Want an easy way to keep earrings, bobby pins, cuff links or other small items organized?  Use a plastic ice cube tray!

Have a squeaky door?  Spritz a little non-stick cooking spray on the hinge, then swing the door back and forth a few times to work it in and quiet the creaking.  Wipe away any drips with a paper towel or sponge.

If you eat around your computer keyboard, you are probably getting crumbs around the keys.  If you don't have a can of "air" handy, simply use a makeup brush to work the crumbs out.  It's sort of like a mini-feather duster!

Looking for unique wrapping paper?  Use magazine covers and pictures! 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I happened upon a friend's blog, and enjoyed reading hers so much, that I thought I'd start my own.  I love to read, and enjoy writing, so this blogging thing may be perfect for me!

I'm not exactly sure what randomness I will post, but I hope that it will be a theraputic experience, and enjoyable to anyone who might read these blogs.

I hope to post an actual blog soon, but for now, this is me, saying HELLO, FELLOW BLOGGERS!